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I2C Slave on STM32

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I2C is a very ubiquitous bus interface. Embedded systems often include multiple devices wired to the bus. Bread-boarding a multi-peripheral system is not always easy or convenient using breakout boards. Would it not be very handy if the developer could easily simulate all I2C peripherals in software using the microprocessor’s own I2C channel acting as a slave answering in slave mode to multiple addresses?

Sounds tricky but turns out relatively straightforward. The goal is to give the embedded software developer a working hardware environment that usefully helps to iron on the firmware before the target board has completed design or delivery—call it real-world rapid embedded stubbing.

Code at GitHub along with its supporting functions and set-up machinery.

Embedded Scenario

Take the STM32 family of microprocessors as an example. The STM32 microprocessor equips a highly-capable set of I2C peripherals. Using a development board we will mock a not-yet-available board with four temperature sensor TMP10x devices by Texas Instruments. Our experiment will mock the TMP10x devices using the processor’s own hardware operating in slave mode.

TMP10x by Texas Instruments

The TMP10x is a 4-register file peripheral that measures printed-circuit board temperature. It carries core registers:

  • a 16-bit read-only temperature register (TMP)
  • an 8-bit read-write configuration register (CFG)
  • a 16-bit read-write temperature low register (TLO)
  • a 16-bit read-write temperature high register (THI)
  • a 2-bit indexing register (PTR)

For the sake of experimentation, we can simplify the device model to comprise four 16-bit registers addressed by the first I2C data frame’s least significant two bits thereby indexing the four-by-sixteen-bit register file. This simplification feels natural regardless. The bus interfaces with the internal register set. Internal logic dictates how the registers interact with the peripheral’s external pins.

For a teaser, the final code looks like this snippet. Note the functional approach. Please forgive the size of the extract; it represents an almost fully-functional TMP10x emulation that responds to write and read transfers between four 16-bit registers and an I2C bus. It does not of course measure a temperature but any master-mode transfer will never know that.

 * \brief Set up device at address.
 * For the sake of simplicity, all errors assert. Assume the happy path.
static portTASK_FUNCTION(prvTMP10xTask, pvParameters) {
  struct TMP10x *xTMP10x = pvParameters;

   * 16-bit register file.
  uint16_t usFile[] = {0x1234U, 0xff00U, 0x1111U, 0xffffU};

  void prvAddr(I2CSeqHandle_t xI2CSeq) {
    switch (ucI2CSeqTransferDirection(xI2CSeq)) {
      HAL_StatusTypeDef xStatus;
       * Receive the first and next frames.
      vI2CSeqBufferLengthBytes(xI2CSeq, 3U);
      xStatus = xI2CSeqFirstFrame(xI2CSeq);
      configASSERT(xStatus == HAL_OK);
       * Transmit the last frames.
      switch (xI2CSeqXferBytes(xI2CSeq)) {
        uint8_t ucPtr;
        uint16_t usReg;
        uint8_t ucBig[2];
      case 1U:
        vI2CSeqCopyTo(xI2CSeq, &ucPtr);
         * Send big-endian word.
        usReg = usFile[ucPtr & 0x03U];
        ucBig[0] = usReg >> 8U;
        ucBig[1] = usReg;
        vI2CSeqCopyFrom(xI2CSeq, ucBig);
        xStatus = xI2CSeqLastFrame(xI2CSeq);
        configASSERT(xStatus == HAL_OK);

   * The slave buffer receive completes.
  void prvSlaveRxCplt(I2CSeqHandle_t xI2CSeq) {
    switch (ucI2CSeqTransferDirection(xI2CSeq)) {
      switch (xI2CSeqXferBytes(xI2CSeq)) {
        uint8_t *pcBuffer;
      case 3U:
        pcBuffer = pvI2CSeqBuffer(xI2CSeq);
        usFile[pcBuffer[0U] & 0x03U] = (pcBuffer[1U] << 8U) | pcBuffer[2U];

  vI2CSlaveDeviceAddr(xTMP10x->xI2CSlave, xTMP10x->ucAddr, prvAddr);
  vI2CSlaveDeviceSlaveRxCplt(xTMP10x->xI2CSlave, xTMP10x->ucAddr, prvSlaveRxCplt);
  uint32_t ulNotified;
  xTaskNotifyWait(0UL, tmp10xSTOP_NOTIFIED, &ulNotified, portMAX_DELAY);
  vI2CSlaveDeviceAddr(xTMP10x->xI2CSlave, xTMP10x->ucAddr, NULL);
  vI2CSlaveDeviceSlaveRxCplt(xTMP10x->xI2CSlave, xTMP10x->ucAddr, NULL);

This code extract runs in a FreeRTOS task. Note the functional closures and their bindings to I2C slave register file, usFile. The next sections describe the dependent components: xI2CSeq, an abstract transmit-receive transfer sequencer; and xI2CSlave, an I2C slave service.

I2C Sequencer

See Figure 1 for a class-style ‘unified model.’

Figure 1: I2C sequencer abstraction

The sequencer acts as a thin interface wrapper for an I2C handle following the decorator design pattern. It wraps buffering and directional transfer behaviour for master and slave modes, both for optional and non-optional framing.

No-Option Frames

The sequencer supports option frames and no-option frames. The HAL software by ST has two frame-related I2C interfaces: option frames and no-option frames. The former option frames trigger with options: first, first and next, first and last, and last frame. These options determine the injection of automatic- or software-end mode during transfer configuration. Option-based framing suits repeated starts.

The HAL does not offer a no-option version of the optional frame interfaces. The options do not offer an I2C_NO_OPTION_FRAME externally. The option exists internally only. The no-option framing interface is the non Seq interface. In other words,

  • HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_IT is the no-option master transmit transfer;
  • HAL_I2C_Master_Receive_IT is the no-option master receive;
  • same for HAL_I2C_Slave_Transmit_IT and HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive_IT.

Inspect the internal implementations. They all set up I2C_NO_OPTION_FRAME. The caller cannot invoke the Seq versions of the interface with this null transfer option1.

I2C Slave

The slave encapsulates 0 through 127 sub-devices for 7-bit I2C addressing; 10-bit addressing is not yet supported. See UML model, Figure 2.

Figure 2: I2C slave abstraction

A slave is a service: create, start, stop and delete. Once created, wire up device handlers: functions that respond to one or more of:

  1. slave transmission completed,
  2. slave reception completed,
  3. address matched, and
  4. error detected.

The function names “tx cplt” and so forth mirror the underlying hardware abstraction layer names for the raw slave events. When the slave matches an address, either the primary or by mask-matching a secondary address, it raises an interrupt and invokes the device handler based on the address.

Secondary address matching requires a mask and allows the slave service to catch multiple addresses.


The result makes extensive use of the GNU compiler’s nested functions. This style allows for ‘functional capture’ but requires an executable stack and additional stack space for the compiler’s clever ’trampoline’ work.

The slave service captures interrupt-driven events and bounces them to its private task using task notification. This is an important feature because it enables all ordinary task-level operations for all the associated device handlers, including services such as memory allocation. This carries a small cost. The interrupt handlers register notifications and then a task switch must occur. The switching adds a small amount of latency but not significantly provided that the slave task fits into the real-time range of task priorities, allowing it to preempt any more compute-bound workers.

The sequencer and slave combination works well. It resolves some important but subtle considerations. First, the dynamic sequencer buffer addresses the requirement to persist the transfer data during asynchronous activity while additionally registering the initial transfer size. Since the internal implementation of ST’s abstraction layer down-counts the size, the sequencer can conveniently compute the difference in order to know the final number of bytes transferred if less than expected. Actual transfer size usefully helps to decide what the slave device should do with the data frames, typically along with the initial byte.

Secondly, the sequencer accounts for the transfer direction’s master orientation. ‘Transmit’ means that the master wants to transmit: the slave must therefore receive. The master’s transmission is the slave’s reception. Sequencing a frame or frames consequently inverts depending on the transfer direction. The sequencer implementation correctly maps the behaviour accordingly.

Future Work

Future development could add a pseudo-dynamic temperature reading. In its current state, the simulation lets the I2C master write to the temperature register. The real device prohibits such writes.

The STM32xx supports 10-bit I2C addressing. A future upgraded version of the slave could also support wider address ranges using ‘sparse’ mapping between devices to handlers. A 1024-element array of device handlers seems inefficient use of memory, although perhaps not if only for debugging and testing.

The implementation conforms to FreeRTOS Hungarian styling, see Style Guide, even though at first this kind of styling does make such programs “look like they were written in some inscrutable foreign language”—Charles Simonyi. Getters and setters exclude the Get and Set verbs in addition; they overload on their Hungarian prefix, e.g. ucI2CSeqAddr for the sequencer address getter because it returns an 8-bit unsigned character returning the 7-bit unshifted address, and vI2CSeqAddr for the setter because it answers nothing but idempotently accepts a new 7-bit address. Only the prefix differs. This might not be the best idea but seems like a good use of the prefixes and helps to give the decorator functions a more field-like appearance as in languages such as Dart. This approach may change in future versions nevertheless.

  1. Privately defined as FFFF000016↩︎