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Mailboxes for FreeRTOS

Also available as PDF. Code at Gist.

Erlang’ian Mailboxes

Erlang’s Open Telephony Platform (OTP) is legendary for its robustness and resilience1. It lives by the motto, “Let it crash.” Erlang itself as a language recapitulates Prolog. Think of Erlang as Prolog without trail-stack backtracking but with term unification. The OTP layer built using Erlang adds a lightweight, low-memory footprint with low-overhead scheduling2.

The entire OTP system sits on top of the mailbox processor concept. Is it possible, is it practical, to mimic the mailbox processor for embedded systems using FreeRTOS?

FreeRTOS Mailbox

Is it possible? The short answer is: yes indeed! The result is quite straightforward and requires only around 150 lines of C. See Gist. The implementation reuses the FreeRTOS message buffer as a messaging mechanism combined with thin Message Pack wrappers for binding and unifying messages.

Figure 1 below depicts an Erlang-style mailbox for FreeRTOS. The mailbox is just a message buffer with a task—not much more than that. The figure draws the mailbox using Unified Modelling Language as a conceptual class diagram although the implementation for FreeRTOS is purely functional C. The diagram simplifies the function names for brevity and clarity, send_msg becomes xMailboxSendMsg in reality.

Figure 1: Mailbox, Binding, Unifier and Task abstractions

Bind and Unify Using MsgPack

Messages have an arbitrary type, including compound types: strings, integers, floats, arrays, maps and any combinations thereof. Build messages by binding specific values. Unpack messages by unifying expected types. “Actual” message contents may fail to match the expected. That allows for unification and future-proof message development, embuing an embedded architecture with event streaming properties and commensurate benefits. Kafka, Akka, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ and others adopt such an architecture for its scalable concurrency benefits. The event becomes the locus of functionality and the development building block for backwardly-compatible unification.

Sending a message requires a ‘binding’ and looks like this.

  // Ping the echo mailbox. Bind a task handle followed by a string.
  // Send the message then notify.
  MsgBindingHandle_t xMsgBinding = xMsgBindingNew();
  xMsgBindMailbox(xMsgBinding, NULL);
  xMsgBindStr(xMsgBinding, "ping");
  xMailboxSendMsg(xMailbox, xMsgBinding, portMAX_DELAY);

This snippet destroys the binding after sending the message because the sender no longer requires it; the binding has already coded the packed message so not needed. The sender could also retain the binding for reuse by clearing it. The binding process progressively builds up an internal message buffer of packed messages.

Unification reverses the binding process: bytes in, message components out. The concept originates with first-order logic, Baader and Snyder (2001). Fundamentally, ‘unifying’ expectations with actual message contents involves a matching case block. The snippet from the previous extract illustrates:

      while (xMailboxReceiveMsg(NULL, xMsgUnifier, 0UL)) {
        if (xMsgUnify(xMsgUnifier) != eMsgUnifySuccess)

        if (xMsgUnifyStrCmp(xMsgUnifier, "ping")) {
          // handle ping

Read pending messages from the mailbox. Attempt a unification. Throw away failed messages; they are unification mismatches, future as-yet-unknown types. Handle when the message stream matches an expectation—pong when pinged, in this case.


Dependencies include a message binding and unifier mechanism. Message Pack is used in the supplied implementation. The C library is small, fast and flexible even for complex messages such as arrays and maps. In pure logic, the Message Pack protocol reduces to simple predicates.

The default C implementation of the Message Pack library uses large buffer-size defaults, see Table 1. In practice, these sizes far exceed the capacity and needs of an embedded system. Hence 8K becomes more like 256 bytes for this type of usage (right shift by five). The unpacker sizes need even less: 128 and 64 bytes respectively for the initial and reserve sizes.

Manifest constant Default

Table 1: Sizes of Message Pack buffers and chunks

The proposed implementation also relies on offsetof C compiler extension in order to navigate by offset from a list item to its container. Most if not all modern C compilers supply a built-in version.

FreeRTOS makes mailbox decomposition easy: one message buffer, one task. The implementation relies on FreeRTOS thread-local storage for linking a task to its mailbox. Apart from concurrency, the paradigm acts as a structural decomposition technique and there useful for wrapping system components in general. If you need interacting concurrency within your embedded system, this approach is not the worst by far.

Future Work

“Atoms” would be a handy abstraction for future development (reference for atoms). Atoms are string constants passed by reference. Matching references implies matching a string and obviates the need for string comparisons. They could pack and unpack using the Message Pack extension @ type3.


Baader, Franz, and Wayne Snyder. 2001. “Unification Theory, Handbook of Automated Reasoning.” https://www.cs.bu.edu/fac/snyder/publications/UnifChapter.pdf.

  1. Robustness and resilience sound like the same thing. However, one is proactive the other reactive: how easily can a system fall down versus how well it recovers when something untoward happens.↩︎

  2. No locking via semaphores and critical sections is required.↩︎

  3. ASCII code 6410↩︎